Emerald-Isle in North-Carolina zip codes

ZIP Code 28594
Post Office City: Emerald Isle, NC
County: Carteret County County
Timezone: America/New_York
Coordinates: -77.02, 34.66
Area Code: 252

Emerald Isle zip code - NC zip codes - North Carolina zip codes


About 28594 ZIP Code

Here are the cities and towns for ZIP code 28594 that the US Post Office accepts. The city listed as the main city is usually where the main post office is located. When sending a letter or package, always include your preferred city to ensure your delivery is as successful as possible

Type: STANDARD Capital: Raleigh
Aceptable Cities:

Acceptable Cities for ZIP code

Largest City: Charlotte County: Carteret County
Time Zone: America/New_York Area code: 252

Telephone Area Codes within this ZIP

State: NC

U.S State Abbreviation

Country: US

Cities in ZIP Code 28594

Here are the cities and towns for ZIP code 28594 that the US Post Office accepts. The city listed as the main city is usually where the main post office is located. When sending a letter or package, always include your preferred city to ensure your delivery is as successful as possible

Primary/preferred city: Emerald Isle

Stats and Demographics for the 28594 ZIP Code

Here we will provide you with various demographic data for the 28594 zip code and its population located in North Carolina, as well as other population and area statistics.

Population: 9,848,060 people Land Area 48,618 (125,920)
Estimated Population: --

Estimated population using IRS data in Emerald Isle

Water Area 5,201 (13,471)
House Seat: 13

28594 longitude and latitude

Longitude and Latitude presented here are very precise, approximately 1 mile radius of Emerald Isle

Longitude: -77.02 coordinate Latitude: 34.66 coordinate